
Overview of the Lotus
The lotus is a water plant that grows in the mud in shallow ponds , lagoons , marshes and wet fields . Is a plant native to the Middle East , Asia , Australia and New Guinea . There are about 200 species of lotus plants , 40 species of which are already known and cultivated .
Lotus himself in great shape and attractive with many petals . Tend pink colored reddish , or white . Benangsarinya yellow and meet the eyelids . This flower purified Buddhism and Hinduism and is often depicted in art and litelatur South Asia.

Other Names Lotus
Nelumbo Nelumbium Druce ( Latin )
Padma , seroia , Terate , tarate , taratai ( Indonesia )

The characteristics of the Lotus

  • Lotus plants growing on the surface of calm water .
  • Lotus plant has leaves that grow floating on the water surface .
  • The lotus flower is also contained in the surface of the water , lotus flower and leaf out of the stalk from rhizomes that are in the mud at the bottom of the pond , river or swamp .
  • White lotus ( Nymphaea alba ) one in the 50's kind of lotus stalk of lotus are in the middle of the leaf .
  • Leaves round or oval shape width are truncated on the fingers toward the stem . Leaf surface layer of wax that does not contain water that falls onto the surface of the leaves do not form droplets .
  • The lotus flower grows on a stalk which is an extension of the rhizomes . The diameter of the genus Nymphaea flower is between 5-10 cm 

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